Total Hip Replacement

Total Hip Replacement

What are common symptoms of hip arthritis?

Arthritic pain is typically gradual and progressive but some patients do experience relatively rapid onset of symptoms, including:

  • Pain in the groin or front of the hip with occasional radiation of pain down the thigh
  • Loss of mobility inability to stretch and rotate the hip
  • Increased pain with increased activity
  • Nighttime aching in hip
  • Progressive limping

What are my options for treating my hip arthritis other than surgery?

Depending on the severity of the arthritis and how much it interferes with your function, a variety of treatments are used for management of symptoms: 

  • Tylenol or Anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen and Naproxen
  • Physical therapy in certain patients
  • Weight loss can reduce the strain on the joint, therefore diminishing symptoms
  • Injections of cortisone into the hip joint can provide temporary relief
  • Platelet-rich plasma and/or stem cell injections in appropriate patients. 

When do I need a hip replacement?

In advanced arthritis or when other treatments are ineffective, a hip replacement is recommended in which the arthritic ball and socket are replaced with metal and polyethylene components.  While this is a significant operation, it is also a very straightforward and successful operation for Dr.Knesek who has advanced fellowship training in Adult Reconstruction and is one of the highest-volume hip and knee surgeons in the state.

What is the recovery like after hip replacement?

Many patients go home the next day and some are now being done as an outpatient or same-day surgery.  You will walk the afternoon after your surgery and typically most of your arthritic pain resolves during the first several weeks of recovery.  Golf, tennis and low-impact exercise are all permitted and encouraged after hip replacement.